Saturday, January 19, 2013

Live Music: Weezer..... A Musical Trip Back To The 90's

Now Weezer are one of those bands I've listened to and loved for more than half of my lifetime but I have sadly never had the chance to see them live as they rarely leave the US. After countless rumors of them touring Australia not coming to fruition, you can see why I would be skeptical when I heard they were touring, I even kept my anticipation for the concert quite low just in case they backed out at the last minute, but a week out from the gig my excitement grew and after watching the film clip to Buddy Holly I was ready to feel like a teenager again.

Entering to the A-Team theme music Weezer hit the stage under a giant lit up "W" poor Rivers was hobbling around a bit after injuring his knee in Melbourne. The first half of the concert Weezer played the best of their back catalogue, slowly building up the crowd for the second half of the set. I've gotta say Weezer are a real fan band, they knew exactly what their fan's had come out to see and they delivered it... and some. They managed to include some gems but I've gotta say El Scorcho from their 1996 album Pinkerton was a real highlight and judging by the crowd's response I wasn't alone.

The band then left the stage and handed the mic over to Karl, who has worked for the band for 21 years. Karl took the crowd back to the early beginnings of Weezer, recounting many stories and playing a slide show of early photos of the band, images of their early gig flyers, concept sketches of the first album cover as well a a detailed look at their first share house and rehearsal space, inspiration to the song In the Garage and backdrop to the film clip for Say It Ain't So. He also told the story of the bands first tour van and how they originally called it The Enforcer, but after a series of breakdowns changed its name to Betsy. Tonight's slideshow took us right up to the last time Weezer toured Australia in 1996. It was great to hear these stories and see all the stuff Karl had the foresight to hang on to, watching this made me feel really nostalgic and I swear you could have heard a pin drop as every one in the crowd was happy to be taken on this walk through Weezer time.

Luckily our walk through Weezer time was only just getting started and the band rejoined the stage under a giant blue banner resembling their first self titled album also fondly known as the Blue Album, Rivers also even took the time to change into an outfit suspiciously resembling what he wore on the cover. The band then ripped through the Blue Album in its entirety, they played it with the same fun time energy it has on the album and it was a hoot. The entire crowd jumped, sang and screamed their way through the 10 songs and it was clear that they meant as much to everyone else in the crowd as they meant to me. Buddy Holly, Undone - The Sweater Song, Say It Ain't So and In The Garage were definite stand outs but I guess that is a given. The band capped the night off with Island In The Sun which left me with the nostalgic warm and fuzzies as well as contemplating why Chuck Taylors have no arch support.

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